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ClearFlow Filter

Sara Hager PhD is an engineer, researcher and instructor in the Onsite Sewage Treatment Program in the Water Resources Center at the University of Minnesota. She presents at many local and national training events regarding the design, installation, and management of septic systems and related research.


Ms. Hager is education chair of the Minnesota Onsite Wastewater Association and National Onsite Wastewater Recycling Association and serves on the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) International Committee on wastewater treatment systems.


Ms. Hager wrote an article published in Onsite Installer Magazine on April 16, 2020. "Top 10 Reasons the Effluent Filter Plugged."


Large volumes of wastewater generated in a short period of time can result in turbulence in the septic tank and reduced retention time, which can lead to solids plugging the effluent screen. Leaks and large parties are examples of such uses. She advises contractors to tell homeowners “Not to do all the laundry in one day. Spread wash loads throughout the week  and wash at times when there is not a lot of water being used in the home. Do not run multiple water devices at the same time, such as showering and/or running the dishwasher while doing the laundry.”

A plugged filter does not allow wastewater to pass through the septic tank into the pump chamber. As a result, wastewater backs up until it reaches the top of the septic tank.

When the tank is full, the wastewater enters the inlet pump coming from the house. When it reaches the house, it surfaces in basement floor drains, toilets, and showers.

The second problem occurs when the plugged filter is pulled out of the septic tank to be cleaned. The backed up wastewater along with scum and sludge floating on top of the water surges through the septic tank outlet into the pump chamber. The excess wastewater in the pump chamber causes the pump to run much longer than normal.

The excess water causes the drain field to become severely saturated.


When the pump stops, the solid waste that entered the drainfield settles to the bottom of the lateral pipe(s) causing orifices to plug. Plugged orifices cause permanent uneven wastewater dispersal accelerating biomat buildup. This situation does not provide any warning until it is too late to do anything about it.

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All these problems created by the effluent filter can be solved by installing a ClearFlow Pressure Filter

  • Power Post Control Panel, Timed or Demand Dose, Outdoor Alarm

  • 120 VAC Pump

  • 15’ Alarm Float

  • 15’ Wide Angle Control Float (Timer Enable or Pump On/Off)

  • 15A, 15’ Wide Angle Pump Switch (8” x 22” Pumping Range

  • 2.0” Riser Connection Kit

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  • A pressure filter is installed on the discharge port of the pump, which means It is not affected by using large amounts of water in a short period of time.

  • It eliminates any possibility of wastewater backing up in the  septic tank and into the house.

  • It eliminates any possibility of solid waste migrating from the pump chamber to the drain field.

The 3"x18" 316L stainless steel screen provides 1/16" filtration​ and contains molybdenum, an alloy that increases strength & hardness and enhances resistance in corrosive environments. 

  • The screen is 40% open that allows 83 gallons per minute at one psi. 

  • Shock waves created when the pump runs provides a self-cleaning action. 

  • Even if the screen becomes completely plugged, the alarm will sound. The screen can be taken out, cleaned and put back without any solid debris entering the force main. 

  • We recommend having a professional with a POWTS Maintainer Registration clean and  maintain the filter.  

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