Quick Snap Orifice Shields
Simple - Effective - Inexpensive
Quick Snap orifice shields prevent hydraulic jetting
Installing orifice shields is a quick, easy, inexpensive way to prevent hydraulic jetting of the underlying soil. Testing of other commercially available shields did not provide the same protection as Quick Snap shields.
Pressure systems disperse water from end to end but not from side to side
A typical pressure system does not disperse wastewater evenly. By itself, sand or stone does a poor job dispersing water away from the point of contact. This often causes hydraulic jetting at the point of contact.
Pressurized septic systems are designed to utilize the 'entire' drainfield
When a portion of the field is not used (due to plugged orifices) it creates uneven wastewater dispersal.Uneven dispersal causes some areas to become saturated while other areas don't receive any water.
When failed mounds are dug up, it is common to find biomat formed at the interface
of the orifices and the sand while the outer area is completely dry. Once again, failure
is due to uneven wastewater dispersal creating saturated, oxygen-starved conditions